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Family tax tips

When it comes to taxes, family matters. Your marital status and children can affect how much money you save – or owe – on your taxes. Find out how.

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Children and dependents

How will children and/or dependents affect your tax liability? How does the IRS define a child? And what does adoption mean for your tax return?

Filing status

When it comes to choosing a filing status, you might have options – but which is best for you and your family?


Wondering where your refund is? Here’s why it might be delayed.


Changed marital status

If your marital status changed recently, your tax situation has also changed. Here’s how.

Injured spouse

What happens when one spouse has tax debt?

Adoption tax rules—you could get thousands in credits

Adopting a child into your family is a profoundly life-changing event. If you or someone close to you has had this experience, you know how many new feelings – love, concern, protection, pride – come into your life.

Changed your name

Does the government need to know about your name change?

Changed address

Did you move last year? If you don’t notify the IRS of a change of address, you could be adding to a tax issue without realizing it. 

I am divorced and the parent with custody, but am considering
releasing the right to claim the tax benefits of our dependent child to my ex. What forms should I fill
out for this?
You will need to file Form 8332.
My-16 year-old just got their first paying job. Do they have to
file income taxes?
Anyone under the age of 18 with an income over their standard deduction is required
to file a tax return for the year. If your child has income taxes withheld, they must file a tax return
to get their withholding back as a refund when they are under the standard deduction amount.
At what point does a new baby have to be born for me to claim
them on my taxes for the year?
A child must be born by midnight December 31 to be eligible as your dependent. Even
if your son or daughter was born a minute before midnight on New Year’s Eve, you can claim the tax
benefits for them on your taxes for the entire year.
I pay all the bills for my girlfriend and her children. Can I
claim her children on my taxes?
No. The tax benefits for a child are generally for parents only. However, if the
child lived with you the full year and the mother is the custodial parent who has no taxable income, you
might be able to claim the $500 Credit for Other Dependents. You would not be eligible for EIC, the
Child Tax Credit, or the credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses based on the child.

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