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Tax deductions for accountants

If you are an independent contractor or you are self-employed, you may be able to deduct job-related expenses from your taxable income.

Make sure you keep receipts to substantiate your expenses, which may include items such as:

  • Subscriptions to publications and journals related to your work
  • Dues for professional associations
  • Job-related equipment or supplies that you can replace within 1 year
  • State or local government regulatory fees, licenses, or flat-rate occupational taxes, as long as you didn’t pay these fees for your initial certification or licensing
  • Cost of renewing your license
  • Errors & Omissions insurance
  • Computer programs and annual updates
  • Cost of attending industry seminars
  • Cost of membership for professional organizations
  • Cost of continuing education to maintain your license

Want more information about what you may be able to deduct? We can help. A Jackson Hewitt Tax Pro can investigate all the deductions that you may be entitled to and will help you file a complete and accurate return. Taxes can be complicated, but you are not on your own. Contact us today.

Because trust, guarantees, convenience & money all matter


    Be 100% certain about your money & your taxes, year after year.


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    The kind of trusted expertise that comes with a lifetime of experience.